Home Teeth Whitening Kit Instructions

Cool Teeth Whitening products are so simple to use.

3 Golden Rules of Cool Teeth Whitening

Start with a 2-minute test session. Increase the duration gradually up to 15 minutes, only if you are comfortable.

Make sure you do not use too much gel to overflow the trays.



Please pay attention to the details in these steps.

And remember to brush and floss your teeth before each whitening session.

Remineralization Gel (Optional):

Blue colored remineralization gels, also known as desensitizing gels, can be purchased separately.  This gel reduces the sensitivity of your teeth. It is great for people who have sensitive teeth, especially first-time bleachers. After the whitening process, rinse your trays and clean the residual gel on your teeth. You will use the trays for the remineralization process.  Put a very small drop of remineralization gel in the front and back of the tray. Wear your trays back and keep them on as long as you like. If you like, you can do this process before going to bed. You can remove the tray and go to bed without washing your mouth. The gel will work all night. You can do the remineralization process after every whitening or as needed.

Before and After Teeth Whitening

Whitening sessions can be done every other day until the desired results are accomplished.  If you experience sensitivity or gum irritation, discontinue use for 3-5 days and try again. It is recommended to do touch up whitening sessions twice a month. After Whitening: You should give your teeth a chance to recover before consuming food and beverages that may stain your teeth.  You may want to wait at least 36 hours to consume food or beverages that may stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, green tea, wine, etc.

Make sure you cut the top of the trays if they are too big for your teeth. Molding and cutting the trays customized to your teeth is very important. The whitening gel will only work with nicely fit trays. Poorly molded trays will not fit well. As a result, the gel will not whiten and your gums will hurt. Caution: This is a strong whitening product. It may irritate your gums. Irritation may last up to 24-48 hours. Please proceed with caution.


22 thoughts on “Home Teeth Whitening Kit Instructions”

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      Thank you for your question.
      If you do not have any discomfort, you can use it everyday. However, we don’t recommend more than 4 times a week.

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      You should rinse your teeth and brush lightly after the teeth whitening. You should clean all the gel residue from your teeth and gums.
      Also, don’t forget to clean your trays.
      Thank you.

  1. Denise Lopez

    How can I order another month tray for my kit? I am very pleased with the results and your product is excellent! Thank you.
    Denise Lopez

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      Thank you for your kind words. You can go to Amazon and search for “Cool Teeth Whitening Trays”

  2. Beverly Bothel

    I have an upper partial on the right side. Is it okay to leave it in when using this product?

  3. hello,
    should I use the blue ray light while the trays with the gel are in my mouth?
    or the blue ray ligt should or can be used without the trays and gel?

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      The blue LED light is used while the gel is still on your teeth. The light by itself without any whitening agents will not work.
      However, the gel works with and without the light.
      The LED light is just to accelerate results.
      Thank you
      Cool Teeth Whitening

  4. Cuanto tiemo debo dejar pasar para ingerir alimentos luego de hacer el blanqueamiento?

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      We suggest that you stay away from staining food and drinks like coffee or wine for about a day.

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      The question is “Can I use the treatment if I have braces?”.
      Our teeth whitening solution does not harm braces. However, we would not want to give you an medical opinion through a web site. We will have to advise you to consult your doctor. Thank you

  5. Hi i bought a homeKit for whiting my teeth but the led doesnt work
    I try is several times but stil doesnt work. I

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      Thank you for your purchase. And we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please reach out to us with your order information through our secure contact us page and we will resolve this issue.

    1. Dr. Dennis Robb

      hello, please tell us more about your problem.

      bonjour, s’il vous plaît nous en dire plus sur votre problème.

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